Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return Preparation
After your Alabama LLC is formed, you have to file your first return called Initial Business Privilege Tax Return. This must be filed within 2 months and 2 weeks of your LLC's formation date. Subsequently, you must file Alabama's Annual Report and Business Privilege Tax Return every year by March 15th and April 15th for Corporations (except Corporations with a fiscal year of June 30).
LLC State Report/Statement Filing
Most states require an Annual or Biennial Report/Statement filed and fee paid to keep your LLC in compliance and in good standing. The fee and filing is required, regardless of your LLC's income or activity.
Annual Federal 1099 Filing Preparation
If you have paid rents, prizes and awards, other income payments, medical and health care payments, crop insurance proceeds, labor, contract labor, independent contractors, attorneys, etc., you are required to file Form 1099 for independent contractor, partnership, or estate paid at least $600 during the year. Penalties range from $50-$550 per unfiled 1099 form, depending on how late the forms are filed and intentional disregard.